Tadi after kelas and after habis
past2 kertas past yr midterm computer security aku plan nk balik bilik.. Nk
rehat.. Tp time kt area antara E0 engineering and Cafe Edu ada sorang mamat
NEGRO tahan aku.. Dia tanya mna KICT.. Tp yg x boleh blaaa apa yg dia ckp b4
Swindler: Salam brother
Me: Waalaikumsalam
Swindler: Oh! You r Muslim?? I
thought you were Indian
Me: (^_^) yes i'm a Muslim..
*dalam hati, org india pun ada jg yg Muslim okay, for example my GRANDPA*
Swindler: Can you show me where
is KICT?
Me: *pointing to KICT's
direction* Over there..
Swindler: Can you come with me
and show it to me please..
Me: errmmm... *then dia terus
tarik tangan ku, mmg dh x boleh nk ckp apa la*
So the story continue..
Time jalan dalam area Engineering
tu sempat la juga b'bual2.. But time ni naluri menyatakan mamat ni nk TIPU DUIT
ku a.k.a nk pinjam then terus menghilangkan diri.. Tp aku play along je la
since i was bored and i want to see what kind of technique he want to use to
swindle my money.. So perbualan dlm perjalanan tu dia ckp dia PUASA.. Dia PUASA
sbb mama dia SAKIT.. Which is the 1st step in swindling.. MAKE PEOPLE PITY
YOU.. Ok, aku dngr jak la.. Dia cakap mama dia kerja as a lecturer dekat one of
the university d Singapore.. Bapa dia Black Canadian.. Mama dia Singaporean..
And dia only child dlm family dia.. Plus, he said dia student Kulliyyah of ECONOMICS
AND MANAGEMENTS, stay kt Mahallah ALI.. Dia minta aku tolong teman p KICT sbb
dia ckp org x faham slang English dia.. Dia ckp “people said my English are
britian English, not many people can understand it”.. Tp from what I can hear,
he was using common African English slang.. Well budak2 UIAM mesti dh lali kn
dgn slang English Africa..Dia just guna slang British English time dia ckp org
ckp dia gn slang British… Hahaha.. Which I found to be VERY FUNNY.. Nmpk sgt slang
“paksa”.. Mcm org yg not very familiar dgn slang british but trying to use it..
Which is out of place here and there.. Tp aku layan je la sbb aku tgh bosan..
Try to fool me, so I fool him back.. By logic klu nk p KICT via Engineering
Department dr E0 tu kena la go through E0 à
E1 à E2 then dr sebelah lif
E2 tu pergi ke KICT.. Tp kt E0 tu dia nk pergi keselekoh tmpt area mahallah
perempuan tu.. So aku betul kn la jalan.. Then dia cakap “Sorry I forgot the
way”.. NOTE: take note dgn ayat dia ni..
And the time kt depan simpang tu aku
tunjuk la kt dia KICT tu.. Nk suruh dia p sendiri.. Tp dia paksa juga aku ikut..
Dia ckp “This is my first time here”.. (Remember apa yg aku suruh TAKE NOTE kt
atas, sila bandingkan dengan apa yg dia cakap sekarang).. Tadi cakap “lupa
jalan”, skg ckp “1st time here”.. How could you “lupa jalan” is this
is ur 1st time here.. Tp aku ikut je la, play along.. Time ni la
baru dia tunjuk MOTIF UTAMA DIA.. hahaha.. Dia ckp dia mahu jumpa kawan dia
which is a lecturer.. Orang Somalia.. Nama kawan dia USMAN/OTHMAN (bunyi either
these two la).. Dia mahu jumpa kawan dia sbb mahu PINJAM DUIT KT KAWAN DIA..
Then dia cakap “If I couldn’t found my friend, can I borrow your money? I need
to go to Singapore to meet my sick mother”.. Well, aku just angguk kepala jak
la sbb it’s getting more and more exciting.. Hahaha.. Dia dh mula kn second
stage swindling dia.. By this time aku dh bt calculation on what he will do
next.. My calculation were:
1 1) Dia ada try cari kawan dia
2 2) Tapi kawan dia xde kt KICT
3 3) So dia pinjam duit dr aku sbb x jumpa kawan dia
These were what I expected..
Hahaha.. Time sampai KICT tu dia terus masuk dalam RESEARCH CENTER.. Dia tanya
org dlm tu klu USMAN/OTHMAN ada.. Org dalam tu blurrr2 jak.. Dia cakap xde
lecturer nama Usman.. Mamat negro tu terus cakap “oh that’s okay” then dia
terus tgk aku.. Tp belum sempat dia mahu cakap, brother dlm research center tu
ckp “let me take a look 1st”.. And in the end ada sorg Prof nama
Usman.. Office dia kt Level4 IS department.. Time tu muka dia mmg PRICELESS..
Hahaha.. It was like *HUH THERE IS SOMEONE NAMED USMAN HERE???*.. Time ni aku
mmg dh excited gila sbb plan dia doesn’t goes as what he planned.. Aku p la
tarik dia p level4 IS department tu.. Hahaha.. Ada je lift kt tepi tangga tu tp
aku p naik TANGGA.. That way we could have A LONG TALK.. Dr level1 ke level4
naik tangga.. Throughout naik tangga tu he kept on stressing that IF WE COULD
NOT FIND HIS FRIEND, I SHOULD LEND HIM MONEY… Hahaha.. Aku angguk kepala jak la
then ckp “But I only have RM3 in my pocket right now”.. Then he said “SHIITTT!!”..
Hahaha.. Aku rasa over excited pula, mcm aku pula yg jahat ni.. Hahaha.. Well
he tried to fool me, so he deserve that.. Lepas tu dia cakap “You could cash
out money from the bank can you?”.. So aku jawab “errmmm yes I could cash out
money”.. Aku x tipu pun ya, mmg aku boleh cash out money, but I didn’t say I will
cash it out and give it to him.. Hohoho..
So sampai je kt Level4 IS
Department mmg muka dia cuak dia.. Well of course la dia cuak kn, ada org nama
USMAN kt KICT.. Then kami tanya sister kt
depan kaunter tu.. Then dia ckp errmmm I don’t know anyone with the name
USMAN.. Terus cerita muka mamat negro tu.. Aku ckp la “aren’t there anyone with
the name USMAN or something similar to that”.. So sister tu ckp “wait here, I’ll
ask the other staff”.. So kakak tu p la cari
sister lain, then sister tu ckp “are you looking for Prof xxxx Usman?”
Then mamat negro tu ckp “No I’m looking for a lecturer not professor”.. Kakak
tu dh blurrr dh.. Then mamat negro tu senyum and cakap “That’s okay, let’s go”..
So kami keluar la and dia pun start la cakap whether it is okay if I could lend
la sesi KASI CUAK DIA.. hahaha..
Time kt dalam lif tu I lure him
to let his guard down.. And start to say that I don’t have much money in my
bank account.. Saja cakap mcm tu sbb mahu tgk reaksi dia.. Dia ckp dia nk
pinjam duit utk tambang teksi dr UIAM ke Johor… Bila aku cakap aku xda byk duit
kt bank, dia ckp la “errmmm, then could you lend me money to go to KLIA, I will
pay it back to you on Monday”.. Dalam hatiku *you think that I’m a fool or
something*.. Td cakap nk minta bayar kn teksi ke Johor, tp bila aku ckp kurg
duit, dia minta bayar ke KLIA pula.. Can you see the connection here?? Can you
see what wrongs with his statement?? Well, dia cakap dia xda duit and mahu pinjam
duit ku utk p Johor, but then tukar pula ke KLIA sbb aku ckp aku “kurg” duit nk
bg pinjam dia.. CAN YOU SEE IT NOW?? Hahaha.. Klu dia dh xde duit nk p Johor sampai
ke tahap nk pinjam duit org, then WHY ON EARTH HE WANT TO GO TO KLIA?? Nk beli
tiket mmg dh xde duit la kn.. Ke dia nk p tipu org kt sana pula..
Lepas tu aku ckp la kt dia, “Maybe
we should go to the Finance Division, They might be able to lend you some
money.. I know some of the staff there.. Do you want to go?? Well, they should
be able to help IIUM student regarding
money-related problem, and this is an emergency”.. (sebenarnya aku x kenal
sapa2 pun and I don’t think Finance boleh bg duit mcm tu je kt student~~that is
if he really is an IIUM Student).. Terus muka mamat tu panik gila, then dia
cakap “That is okay brother, I’ll try to ask from someone else”.. Dia dh nk
lari dh.. But time ni aku dh excited sgt and I don’t want him to go just yet..
I’m having so much fun at that time.. So aku ckp la “errmmm I think there is an
ATM machine here somewhere”.. Then dia ckp “yes there is, it’s over there,
could you cash out money and lend it to me”.. Then dia start tunjuk jalan p ATM
machine tu.. Hahaha.. Tadi dia cakap “This is my FIRST TIME HERE”.. Tp tau pula
dia kn mana ATM Machine.. Aku yg dh byk kali p KICT pun xtau mna ATM Machine tu..
Nmpk sgt penipu mamat ni..
Time kt KICT tu aku ada nmpk two
familiar faces… One of them bdk Sarawak… Dia tgh kt dalam tmpt ATM tu.. So time
baris kt luar tu aku p la buat FINALE ACT.. Aku ckp la kt dia fasal Finance
Division lagi.. Aku cakap “Are you sure you don’t want to go to Finance Division?? I
could ask them you know, I know some of the staff there.. I could ask for their
help.. Let’s go there”.. Then dia ckp dgn muka panik “that’s okay brother, if
you don’t want to help me it is okay”.. So aku ckp la “I am helping you, I’m
helping you by showing you the way to Finance Division”.. Then dia ckp “That’s okay,
I’ll try to ask someone else”.. Then dia blaaaa… So aku tunggu member Sarawak tu
keluar dr “kotak kaca ATM” tu and sapa dia… hahaha.. Lepas tu aku balik bilik…
like someone who is easily fooled by other, but you are a fool if you think
that way.. Hahaha.. I’m not easily fooled.. Try to fool me, bare the consequences..
Hahaha.. I’m someone who could make Shin'ichi Akiyama (Liar Game) cry…
believe people blindly especially strangers.. Although “bersangka baik” tu
amalan yg baik, tp sometime you have to have doubt..