Thanks NADIAH for this pictures... Well, I should thanks your mother.. Because she sent it to you at the first place.... hahahhahaha...... Thanks anyway....
How To Fake A Suicide
1st you need a red paint colour...... in liquid form...
2nd you need a knife... tries to use the one that not sharp...
3rd put a bit of that red colour liquid at your wrist...... make sure it in liquid form.... and make sure the liquid doesn’t show up at the other side of your hand....
4th look for an audience.... or use this trick on your online friend(s)..... try to use WEBCAM....
5th show them the knife.....
6th raise up your hand... make sure you didn’t show the liquid.... put it against your audience...
7th slowly moves the knife against your wrist (the liquid).... and enjoy the shout of your friend(s) saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............................
8th after that some of the red colour liquid will stuck at the knife... show the knife with red stain liquid (that look like blood)...... *you can added the drama by acting ~~screaming, cry in pain, faint~~ anything you like*...
9th after that THE SHOW ENDED........... Up to you what to do next.....
P/S: Don’t try doing this trick to someone who had a heart disease......
09.33a.m - should i go back to sleep.. Or listen to some songs..
09.38a.m - going to my sister room to sleep.. Well, she still at her university.. So i sleep here for awhile *since her room is cooler than mine during the morning*..
11.45a.m - just woke up..
12.22p.m - time to online..
01.52p.m - time to go and take a bath..
02.32p.m - watching cartoon..
02.58p.m - done eating..
03.00p.m - watching Indonesian drama *sekar*.. Episode 104
03.07p.m - looks like i have to watch sekar tonight instead of right now.. I, my father & one of my brother went to the restaurant.. Time to online and Skype with my sister..
03.17p.m - we at the restaurant
05.36p.m - on our way back to our house.. Couldn't Skype with my sister.. Either her or mine internet line have problem..
05.53p.m - we at our house..
05.58p.m - time to pray.. Pray.. Pray..
08.00p.m - online..
09.00p.m - watching tv..
09.29p.m - time to eat..
09.47p.m - done eating...
10.06p.m - watching cartoon.. *Naruto*..
11.00p.m - watching an Indonesian drama.. *sekar*.. Episode 104.. The one that i couldn't see at 3p.m today..
11.56p.m - the drama already over.. Time to go to my room..
03.30a.m - for the first time i answer Arian.. First phone call i answer from out of Malaysia..
10.53a.m - just woke up..
01.39p.m - just woke up *again*.. And i'm really angry with my brother..
01.48p.m - watching Indonesian drama *sekar*..
02.00p.m - watching Indonesian drama *sekar*.. Time for a marathon.. Wow, it already episode 100..
03.00p.m - watching Indonesian drama *sekar* episode 101..
03.29p.m - time to eat..
03.38p.m - done eating..
03.53p.m - got bored watching tv.. Time to go up and online
05.16p.m - time to take a bath..
05.20p.m - cancel that.. I'll take a bath later.. My parent already wait outside the gate.. We're going out..
05.24p.m - on our way to go to the restaurant and have a tour around the town..
05.26p.m - watching "ketika cinta bertasbih".. *inside our car*..
05.31p.m - we at the restaurant...
06.50p.m - on our way back to our house..
07.19p.m - watching cartoon..
07.55p.m - my parent already went out for another "kenduri"..
09.13p.m - went up to my room..
10.03p.m - my nose bleed.. No need to worry..
10.54p.m - went down.. Got bored with online..
11.02p.m - watching a program at Animal Planet Channel.. "Tsunami: Animal Instincts"
11.51p.m - time to eat.. My menu tonight.. A special nasi goreng that my mom just cook.. And an special recipe *egg* that i just cook.. Wow.. I cook for myself..
11.59p.m - done eating..
12.29a.m - ~~2009/11/16~~ went up to my room..
10.37a.m - getting up from bed.. Maybe i should go down and watch cartoon.. Yup, maybe i should do that..
11.00a.m - playing game
11.22a.m - done playing game.. Got bored already..
12.01p.m - went up to my room..
02.00p.m - bored don't know what to do.. Reading manga *Japanese comic* online..
03.18p.m - on my way down to take a bath..
03.19p.m - WHAT!! I just realize that i'm all alone in the house.. Where did everyone go..
03.42p.m - time to eat..
03.49p.m - my parent just came..
04.01p.m - done eating..
04.42p.m - on my way to go to the restaurant with my dad and one of my brother...
04.56p.m - we at the restaurant..
06.50p.m - on our way back to our house..
07.57p.m - went to my room..
09.01p.m - got bored with online.. Went down to watch tv..
09.20p.m - done eating..
10.35p.m - watching "Animal Cops Phoenix"..
11.03p.m - watching "The Nanny"..
11.55p.m - someone call me.. That person haven't "miscall" me for quite a long time.. I thought that person already tired "miscalling" me..
11.59p.m - done watching tv.. On my way to go my room..
09.45a.m - don't know what to do.. Maybe i should go to sleep..
11.45a.m - just woke up..
01.43p.m - time to go and take a bath
02.26p.m - got bored with online.. Went down to have something to eat..
02.48p.m - done eating.. On my way back to my room to online
03.17p.m - don't have the mood to online.. I'm going to sleep..
06.25p.m - what should i do?? Don't know what else to do..
07.41p.m - done eating.. I'm in my room.. Don't know what else to do..
08.30p.m - got bored online.. On my way to go down and watch tv..
08.41p.m - don't know what to watch on tv.. Went up to my room..
09.58p.m - went down to eat and watch tv.. *again*
10.23p.m - done eating..
11.00p.m - watching Indonesian drama *SEKAR*..
11.59p.m - done watching tv.. On my way to my room..