7.58a.m – Went to take a bath.. Freezing cold..
8.14a.m – Time to go to class *start walking*
9.00a.m – At my calculus class.. Sums and Sigma Notation.. *yawn*
9.46a.m – Class finish..One down, two to go... Need to rush to my next class.. Static...
9.49a.m - *sneeze*
9.51a.m – The sun spray its light upon my face.. Its felt good..
952a.m – Yeah, I made it to class on time.. Well, 8 minute early actually..
9.55a.m – My-laid-back static lecturer (Mr. Jufri) is here... Main topic of the day, Mid-Term (2 days ago) question..
10.00a.m – Mr. Jufri ask us (One By One) how many question we manage to answered out of 4 question during the mid-term.. Not even half of the class manage to answered all of the question..
10.05a.m – Everyone started to talk about the mid-term exam.. The most common sentence I heard was “If Only I Studied That Night”....
10.08a.m – Mr. Jufri show us the solution for the mid-term exam... Someone called Mr. Jufri...
10.15a.m – Yeah..... I got full mark for the 2nd question..... (^_^)v
10.28a.m – Chapter6: Structure Analysis...... Time to study... *shuuuussssss*
11.18a.m – Static class is over...
11.23a.m – Take today’s note *slide show* from Mr. Jufri..... I’m the only one taking the animation as well.... hehehehe... Well, I’m the only one who asked for it.... Its have something to do with our lecture today.....
11.33a.m – <Islamic worldview class> I’m late... 3 minute late... We going to start the mid-term for Islamic Worldview... *someone already taken my seat*
11.40a.m – The Mid-Term began... *panic moment*
12.14p.m – Fatin text me *in the middle of the exam*
12.36p.m – The exam is over... Arrr.... It’s finally over.....
12.39a.m – Time for group presentation... Good thing my group already present last week... It’s time for Hanafi, Ammar, Bob & the geng to present...
01.03p.m – Class is over..
01.12p.m – Saw one sister sitting on the floor (On9).. GO SIS!!!!...... Everywhere in UIAM is a Cyber Cafe... *Moto of the day*...
01.16p.m – Almost fall on my face *close call*
01.19p.m – Finally, Room Sweet Room.... Time for zuhur prayer..
01.29p.m – Reading Future Diary...
01.48p.m – Don’t know what to do... I don’t have any more class today... I think I’m going to sleep.... ZzZzZzZz......... *yawn*
02.20p.m – Listening to music while waiting to fall asleep....
03.36p.m – Just woke up from my deep sleep... It’s raining outside.. *more reason to fell asleep again*
03.40p.m – The rain is getting heavier... No wonder my roommate still haven’t come back yet.... Wonder where they are right now... sleeping at the mosque I guess...
03.45p.m – The light, the atmosphere, the temperature.... Everything seems to drag me to another deep sleep.... ZzZzZzZzZzZz........
04.50p.m – Couldn’t sleep..... Lighting... Thunder....
04.02p.m – One of my roommate came.... The first sentence come out of his mouth was “Bestnya tidur ni” /translation/ (great time to sleep~~something like this... hehehehehe)*still raining*
04.07p.m – The other two of my roommates came.... I smell something sweet and nice to eat...... *everything smells good when the stomach full with butterfly~~I’m fasting*
04.08p.m – How disappointed I am.... It was soap powder.... Our room visitor want to wash his clothes.....
05.17p.m – Just woke up *again*.. In the end, I fall asleep... hehehehehehe... Time for asar prayer....
05.24p.m – My roommate told me that we don’t have a vehicle for today * we planning to break our fast outside of UIAM* the rental car is not available today... *time to think about other alternative*
05.30p.m – The rain finally come to its end.. but the sun still haven’t shown itself.. I’m on my way to the atm machine..
05.36p.m – Arr... The ATM at econimiy department have a bit of technical problem... looks like i have to go to the mosque....
05.44p.m – I arrive at the bank.. I misplace my ATM card.. *found it* GREAT...It’s raining again.. Well, looks like I have to take the long way home...
06.02p.m - <my room> I’m totally whip out... That was a long way home...
06.04p.m – My roommates started to became crazy *again*.. they out of option for the car issue....
06.14p.m - The journey start.. My roommates found a car that we can use... I don't know where on earth did they found it..
06.23p.m - Well, we have our ride but the main agenda now is where to go.. But the good thing is we have a driver.. Hehehe.. But one thing came up to my mind.. If he send us there.. How are we gonna get back to UIAM?? As far as I know, he not going to break his fast with us..
06.33p.m - the clock is ticking.. I don't know where is our destiny, but one thing for sure, we are having sate..
06.37p.m - s.m.k taman selayang.. Where are we going? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
06.42p.m - We still haven't reach our destiny.. I saw a pet shop across the road.. Window shop.. Motorcycle shop.. Metal shop.. 3 policeman.. Saloon.. Lots of other shop..
06.47p.m - One of my roommate fell asleep..
06.55p.m - We finally arrive to our destination.. But NO sate..
07.03p.m - Went to the nearest shop to buy batteries for my camera..
07.15p.m - Buffet.. We already take our food... Wait for the time *to break fast*..

07.18p.m - Its time.. EAT..
07.48p.m - We already finish maghrib prayer.. Time to continue eating.. We pay rm15 for this.. Better make every penny count..
08.19p.m - Still at the buffet.. We are having fun taking pictures of our self.. I'm full.. *burp*
08.27p.m - We done with “our fun” at the buffet.. Luckily we DO have a ride home.. It is the same car we use before.. Actually it was my roommate’s brother car..
08.32p.m - My roommate is ONE dangerous driver.. SLOW DOWN PLEASE!!! I hope we find our path home safely
08.38p.m - We pass batu caves.. The gold statue
08.42p.m - We stop at PETRONAS stesen..
08.49p.m - We arrive at UIAM main gate..
08.53p.m - We went straight to the mosque *we still haven't take bath yet*
09.37p.m - We finish taraweh.. Now, Its time to go back to our hostel..
08.44p.m - On our way back to our room..
08.50p.m - Hostel parking lot..
09.53p.m - Room sweet room.. Aaa.. I miss my bed..
10.20p.m – My roommates busy copying the pictures we had taken at the buffet..
10.55p.m – My laptop started acting a bit weird... hahahahahaha... I think it can’t handle our crazy pictures....
11.02p.m – I’m off to the musolla...... *on9*
11.10p.m – I’m at the musolla now.... There are more people than usual.... Time to on9....
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