Saturday, June 12, 2010

Waka Waka - Shakira

You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
And back in the saddle

You're on the frontline
Everyone's watching
You know it's serious
We're getting closer
This isnt over

The pressure is on
You feel it
But you've got it all
Believe it

When you fall get up
Oh oh...
And if you fall get up
Oh oh...

Tsamina mina
Cuz this is Africa

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
This time for Africa

Listen to your god
This is our motto
Your time to shine
Dont wait in line
Y vamos por Todo

People are raising
Their Expectations
Go on and feed them
This is your moment
No hesitations

Today's your day
I feel it
You paved the way
Believe it

If you get down
Get up Oh oh...
When you get down
Get up eh eh...

Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
This time for Africa

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

Friday, June 4, 2010

Banci Penduduk

Ermmmm..... aku pun xtau la mau tulis apa utk post kali ni... agak blurr ni... *writer block*... cewah, bajet penulis ppular ni sampai kena WRITER BLOCK...... hahahahahaha........ xpa kn sekali-sekala b'imaginasi.... *mcm la kamu semua x pernah bt*....

ok.. tetiba aku dpt idea yg agak "kurang bernas"... xpe.. kn skg xde idea... so aku nk bt satu survey yg aku pernah bt kat facebook.... aku pun dh lupa soalan2 dia... so i guess xpe la kot klu bt survey tu balik kn..... huhuhu...... ok survey ni memerlukn aku list down 20 org yg aku tgh fikir or yg t'lintas d fikiran ku...

~~ni soalan dia~~
"Name 20 people you can think of off the top of your head.
Do not read the questions until you write"

ok here are the list m'ikut urutan...
1. Mama
2. Abah
3. Kakak
4. Azim (adik ku)
5. Azam (adik ku jg)
6. Dashir
7. Erna Eriana
8. Hafizah Fatin
9. Mustaqim
10. Mimie
11. Romelia a.k.a Lalla
12. Fedrick
13. Qutrunnada
14. Najwa
15. Arian (automatic lepas ingat Najwa ingat terus Arian)
16. Awra (automatic lepas ingat Arian terus t'ingat Awal Ramadhan)
17. Hafidz (t'nmpk nama ko time tulis post kat Twitter td)
18. Aven (mls nk letak but t'paksa letak)
19. Arhiem (buka Twitter t'ingat pula bdk ni)
20. Kak Peah (tgh rancang b'kongsi masalah kat FB)

ok susah jg ni nk cari 20 org ni... but akhir nya... ni la hasil dia... ok for the FUN PART... here come the questionS.... mari kita lihat sapa yg kena.... OMG~~~ excited mau jawab ni.. aku pun dh lupa apa soalan dia... kejap nk copy paste soalan...

~~1 minute later~~

How did you meet 14?
- x pernah jumpa lg ya... walaupun satu universiti... dia selalu nmpk aku but aku x pernah nmpk dia...

What would you do if you had never met 1?
- she is my mother... klu x jumpa mama, x lahir la insan yg b'nma zaim...

What would you do if 20 and 9 dated you?
- no 20 tu maybe kot... br lepas ni b'kongsi masalah... hahahaha.... kak peah jom kita date kat Mamma Mia next sem.... abh terus ni kita d jeling2 oleh president MISI... m'jerit2 dia "NO SCANDAL IN MISI PLEASE"... hahahaha....
- no9 tu.. OMG~~~ mus kau mau date dgn aku ka??? hahahahahha.... bah cousin2 jg... asal kn kau belanja aku ON jak tu mus... hahahahahahaha........

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
- hahahahahahaha.................... kejap aku nk p toilet... x thn asyik ketawa dr td.... ~~3minutes later~~ Good couple??? hahahahha... ok fine.. dorg lelaki ya... and as far as i know dorg straight.... tp xtau la klu dorg tetiba tukar selera...... hahahahahahaha.. *Peace No War*

Describe no 3.?
- sweet.. caring... all in all.. a good sister... *bah, belanja kfc lepas ni*

Do you think 8 is attractive?
- OMG~~~ mau d jawab ka ni??? tidak blh KIV??? hahahaha......

Do you know anything about no 12's family?
- Nope..... Dia tinggal kat indonesia.... So aku pun xtau pasal family dia....

Tell me something about 7.
- kawan sejak form2 lg..... paling ya... SUGAR MAMA..... tiap kali dtg sekolah mesti bawa satu pek gula2.... hahahahaha... ingat lg ni time dulu byk bdk2 lelaki kat kelas tu berebut gula2... *aku x b'rebut ya sbb aku x suka ambil brg org walaupun d bg*.... hehehehehehe.... tp agak lawak la jg time tu... br je lepas sms ngn dia... waaaaaaaa.. I MISS YOU BEBEH~~~ *statement hot*.... ahhahahha......

What is no 18's favourite?
- ANNOY PEOPLE.... and mayb strawberry i guess....... oh ya.. and cooking... mayb sewing... *never ask him about that but mayb he like it too*.... all in all, all a GOOD WIFE should know.... hahahahhahaha............. *EAT THAT*

What would you do if no 11 confesses that he/she likes you?
- i will say this out loud "ARE YOU LOSING YOUR MIND" hahahaha.... relax kau lalla... jngn kau menangis t'esak2 sana......

What language does 15 speak?
- Obviously INDONESIA...... well, he kinda my 1st real indonesian friend....

Who is 19 going out with?
- I don't know.... he an indonesian... so how should i know... i never been to indonesia b4... never meet him b4.....

How old is 16 now?

-21...... i'm +ve about this.... *WOW, br sedar ni... byk jg indonesian kat dlm list ni*

When was the last time you talked to 13?
-ermmmmmmm........ aku pun x ingat.... bila kita last skype????

Who is no. 2's favourite singer?
- tough one.. erm.... ???????? i don't know... so many... all the 80 & 90 singer... between that era....

Would you date no 4?
- NO!!!!! he my brother & i'm not gay... sumbang mahram..... muahahahhahaha......

Would you date no 17?

- OMG~~~ sengal jg soalan ni... kenapa la kena kat kau..... aduiiii...... x mau... x mau... x mau..... hahahahah.. no hard feeling...... :-p

Is 15 single?
- not sure.... hari tu ada... but skg ada org ckp da dh break ngn GF dia.... skg xtau la status dia apa.....

What is no 11's last name?
- ?????????? sorry x tau.... selalu panggil nma glamour je.. LALLA....

Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 10?

- WAAAAA~~~ Twin ada kah patut survey ni suruh kita couple.... x patut... kita kn Twin......

Which school does 3 goes to?now?
- dh hbs sekolah.. skg dh kat ums.... paling ya....

Where does 6 live?
- Sipitang....

What is your favourite thing about no 5?
-kuat b'cerita... dh la mulut x padan ngn umur... umur br 8 thn.. tp klu ckp ngn dia mcm ckp ngn org tua.. xde cover2....

AKHIRNYA HABIS JG JAWAB SURVEY NI......... hahaha... gila punya survey.....