Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Believe - Dima Bilan

My cousin been asking for me to make a video clip base on Dima Bilan song (Believe)
So i made this video for him...
This is a tribute
video for my cousin Mr.Mustaqim....
Got permission to "steal" some picture for his
Facebook, MySpace, Friendster account...
So i rounded up a few of his vacation photo
(and few of our photo when we were young)
& here are the result....
Hope you like it.....


  1. apa tak sama video ni dgn mulut...ish..=)
    haha..gambar ku iras2 dima bilan..=p

  2. dima bilan hensem.
    aku pon declare la die sbg pakweku.

  3. ceh..... "cannot blaa ye"
    hahahaha......... mna l akau buang farid lepas ni... kesian farid... ceh, dh p'paling arah ke Europe jg ke nad... xpe, sama l akita m'cari pasangan hidup dr Europe... kau minat org russia ke nad... nadir ada... omar pun russia jg...
