Sunday, October 4, 2009

(2009/10/04)~~~My Day


06.13a.m - Just woke up..

08.36a.m - Just woke up *again*..

10.58a.m -Waking up again.. *this time for real*..

11.02a.m - Went to take a bath..

11.33a.m - I'm doing my programming assignment.. It's due this Wednesday *07/10/2009*.. We got this assignment weeks ago..

11.51a.m - Trying to figure out how to do this coding.. Ermm.. Maybe I should do it like this.. Or maybe like that..

12.29p.m - Two question done.. Two more to do.. I can't believe they say these question are hard.. It’s so easy.. Time to take a rest.. Trying to think how to do the next question..

01.16p.m - Done resting.. Now it's time to do the remanding question..

01.33p.m - Done.. One more to go.. I got to admit it.. That question is a bit challenging.. But it still not hard enough for me.. I hope the last question is hard.. But, I'll take a time out first.. I'll do the last question later..

01.49p.m - I think I had enough rest.. I'm gonna start do the last question.. I hope it a hard one..

02.22p.m - Ok.. I got to admit it.. This question is a bit difficult.. Great.. Something to made my day more fun..

02.35p.m - Brainstorming trying to get an idea.. We NEVER learn this in class.. I already check all the note & slide show that our lecturer gave.. Nothing.. So I have to think harder.. Every problem have a solution..

02.49p.m - Playing games.. Tired of thinking..

03.57p.m - Went down to take some fresh air.. I'll do the last question another time.. I still have 3 days till due time.. By the way.. It almost finish.. Only few more part need to be fix..

04.12p.m - Take a walk around the campus..

04.22p.m - On my way back to my room..

04.26p.m - Sitting at the ground level of our hostel.. Thinking how to solve the last question.. *how to count repeated characters in a string.. Every character repeatation only count once.. For example; "Hissss" will only have 1 repeatation character.. And "Missisippi" only have 3 repeatation characters..*.. How to do this??? And all of this have to be done using user define function involving pointer..

04.58p.m - I think I may have an idea how to answer the last question.. My brain is buzzing with number and coding.. *geek mode activate*

05.40p.m - Nope.. Still couldn't do it..

06.06p.m - I think I have enough of programming for today.. I'll do it later.. Right now I want to listen to some music..

06.27p.m - Listening to "knock knock" by Lenka..

06.33p.m - Listening to "believe again" by brinck.. He a singer from Denmark..

06.48p.m - Looking at some pictures.. Memory..

07.17p.m - Went to take a bath..

07.26p.m - Done showering..

08.05p.m - All of my roommates went out.. I'm the only one left in the room..

08.25p.m - Listening to "Home" by Michael Buble..

08.58p.m - One of my roommate just came in..

09.21p.m - On my way to the cafeteria to have dinner..

09.27p.m - already order something to eat.. The cafe almost full.. There's a football match on tv...

09.31p.m - my food is here.. Time for dinner..

09.38p.m - on my way to the grocery store to buy something to drink..

09.40p.m - done.. Now I’m on my way to the musolla on the other hostel.. The one at my hostel have a bit problem..

09.42p.m - I’m here.. Someone is sleeping in here..

09.47p.m - trying to connect to the net...

09.57p.m – Couldn’t connect to the net.... someone just came in....

10.02p.m – Yeah... finally... I manage to connect to the net.......

10.10p.m - Someone say that writing about myself is boring... :-p Well I got to agree with him... But I'm just doing this for fun..... here his pictures... if you see him somewhere... KICK HIM FOR ME........... hahahahhahaha... He at Indonesia by the way....

(Just kidding Arian)

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