Tuesday, October 13, 2009

(2009/10/13)~~~My Day


07.58a.m - went to take a bath..

08.13a.m - packing up my stuff.. Getting ready to go to class..

08.18a.m - on my way to go to class..

08.36a.m - waiting for the elevator.. *I'M LATE*..

08.38a.m - i'm in the class.. My roommate isn't here yet..

09.22a.m - about less than half an hour left.. *yawn*.. Feeling a bit sleepy..

09.38a.m - starting a new chapter.. Class suppose to end at 09.50a.m.. Which mean only 12 minute less..

09.50a.m - times up.. But our lecturer didn't finish discussing a question.. I have another class at 10.00p.m...

09.54a.m - on our way to our next class..

09.58a.m - we in our next class.. *static*.. Our lecturer is here..

10.02a.m - the lecture start..

10.33a.m - we having a quiz right now..

11.18a.m - it's over.. Turn out it's not a quiz after all.. Just a test to see our understanding the chapter..

11.20a.m - on my way to my next class.. Better come early or i'll have to pick up the trash..

11.27a.m - i'm in the class.. Only 4 student are here.. On my way to the toilet..

11.29a.m - i'm in the class.. There're an addition of 7 student.. So that makes 12 of us..

11.36a.m - our lecturer is here..

11.38a.m - one of the wire for the projector is missing,. Someone went to the it room to take the wire..

11.44a.m - he here with the wire.. Our lecturer setting up the equipment..

11.45a.m - the lecture start..

12.42p.m - the lecture haven't finish yet.. And today we have another group that gonna do a presentation..

12.47p.m - class haven't finish yet.. Class suppose to end at 12.50p.m..

01.00p.m - class end.. No presentation for today.. On my way to go to the mosque..

01.25p.m - on my way to the atm machine at the bank.. Someone is promoting "islamic madrasah school tahfiz qur'an" at the main gate of the mosque..

01.32p.m - done cashing money.. On my way to the pc shop to look for a headset.. The shop located at engineering department building E2..

01.45p.m - don't buying headset.. I think i'll go to babus *they sale arabic food* to buy some bread to eat.. And after that i'll go to the office on top of babus.. They in charge of student smart card, i didn't take mine yet.. I'll go try to ask whether they still keep my smart card or not....

01.54p.m - done buying food.. I'm in front of the smart card room.. It close *lunch hour*.. It'll open at 2p.m.. About 6 minute from now.. I'll wait outside.. I hope they didn't charge for late collection.. We suppose to take our smart card about 2 month ago.. Hehehehe.. I haven't take mine because i didn't know where to take it & i always forgot to about it because i'm busy most of the time.. Still adjusting to the new environment..

01.58p.m - two minutes more.. I think they already inside the room.. But i'll wait anyway..

02.00p.m - time to go knocking the door.. But there's a drama happen right in front of me.. 3 lady.. It's about their assignment.. 2 malaysian 1 foreign..

02.02p.m - the drama already finish.. Time to knock the door..

02.03p.m - it still lock.. I'll go this evening..

02.04p.m - on my way back to my room..

02.15p.m - stop by to the mosque.. Online for awhile..

02.16p.m - eating the bread that i bought..

02.19p.m - manage to connect to the internet..

03.39p.m - my roommate just came in the musolla..

03.43p.m - and they're out..

03.46p.m - done online.. On my way back to my room..

03.58p.m - resting at my room..

04.05p.m - my phone fall.. Good thing harm done..

04.08p.m - testing my new headset..

04.10p.m - it sound great.. Listening to "razve ti ne znaesh",

Svetlana Svetikova - Razve ty ne znaesh'
Svetlana Svetikova - Don't you know?

На пустых причалах метро
Na pustynnyh prichalah metro
At the lonesome piers of the subway
За стеклом, в холодных витринах
Za steklom, v holodnyh vitrinah
Behind the glass (window), in the cold show-cases
Ты и я - мы ищем любовь
Ty i ja - my ishem ljubov'
You and me - we're looking for love
Но всегда проходим мимо
No vsegda prohodim mimo
But we always pass by

Может нам сказать ей: "Постой"
Mozhet ham skazat' ej "Postoj"
Maybe we should tell it (love) "Wait!"
Может больше не прощаться
Mozhet, bol'she ne proschat'sja
Maybe we should not say goodbyes anymore?
Нам с тобой друг друга - не ждать
Nam s toboj drug druga - ne zhdat'
We - you and me - won't wait for each other
Уже никогда
Uzhe nikogda
Never more

Припев (Refrain)
Разве ты не знаешь, что я
Razve ty ne znaesh', chto ja
Don't you know that I
Ищу тебя
Ischu tebja
Am looking for you
Разве не летаешь во сне
Razve ne etaesh' vo sne
Don't you fly in your nightdreams
Вдвоем со мной
Vdvoem so mnoj
Together with me?

Разве ты не таешь, как снег
Razve ty ne teash', kak sneg
Don't you melt like ice?
Где свет, где я
Gde svet, gde ja
Where's the light, where am I
Разве ты не знаешь, что есть
Razve ty ne znaesh', chto est'
Don't you know that there is
Любовь, любовь
Ljubov', ljubov'
Love, love

На ветру, погасшим огням
Na vetru pogas(sh)im ognjam
In the wind, the dim lights
Говорить про нас не надо
Govorit' pro nas ne nado
Should not speak about us OR "Should be told about us" (both versions are possible here)
Ничего, ты знай, что я
Nichego, ty znaj, chto ja
Nothing (or if it's connected with two lines above - anything, shouldn't say anything or shouldn't be told anything), you should know, that I
Я иду с тобою рядом
Ja idu s toboju rjadom
I'm walking along with you by your side

Просто ты, скажи мне: "Постой"
Prosto ty skazhi mne "Postoj"
Just tell me "Wait"
Чтобы больше не прощаться
Chtoby bol'she ne proschat'sja
So that we won't have to say goodbye
Нам с тобой друг-друга - не ждать
Nam s toboj drug druga - ne zhdat'
We, you and me, won't wait for each other
Уже никогда
Uzhe nikogda
Not anymore

Припев (Refrain)
Разве ты не знаешь, что я
Razve ty ne znaesh', chto ja
Don't you know that I
Ищу тебя
Ischu tebja
Am looking for you
Разве не летаешь во сне
Razve ne etaesh' vo sne
Don't you fly in your nightdreams
Вдвоем со мной
Vdvoem so mnoj
Together with me?

Разве ты не таешь, как снег
Razve ty ne teash', kak sneg
Don't you melt like ice?
Где свет, где я
Gde svet, gde ja
Where's the light, where am I
Разве ты не знаешь, что есть
Razve ty ne znaesh', chto est'
Don't you know that there is
Любовь, любовь
Ljubov', ljubov'
Love, love

Может нам сказать ей: "Постой"
Mozhet ham skazat' ej "Postoj"
Maybe we should tell it (love) "Wait!"
Может больше не прощаться
Mozhet, bol'she ne proschat'sja
Maybe we should not say goodbyes anymore?
Нам с тобой друг друга - не ждать
Nam s toboj drug druga - ne zhdat'
We - you and me - won't wait for each other
Уже никогда
Uzhe nikogda
Never more

Припев (Refrain)
Разве ты не знаешь, что я
Razve ty ne znaesh', chto ja
Don't you know that I
Ищу тебя
Ischu tebja
Am looking for you
Разве не летаешь во сне
Razve ne etaesh' vo sne
Don't you fly in your nightdreams
Вдвоем со мной
Vdvoem so mnoj
Together with me?

Разве ты не таешь, как снег
Razve ty ne teash', kak sneg
Don't you melt like ice?
Где свет, где я
Gde svet, gde ja
Where's the light, where am I
Разве ты не знаешь, что есть
Razve ty ne znaesh', chto est'
Don't you know that there is
Любовь, любовь
Ljubov', ljubov'
Love, love

05.00p.m - watching naruto..

06.35p.m - my roommate ask me to teach him how to do the coding for programming project..

06.47p.m - i just remember.. I need to fix something at my projek..

07.24p.m - went to take a bath..

07.45p.m - done praying... From now on.. I'll start memorizing Al-Qur'an.. I have a memorizing test tomorrow.. I have to memorize 22 surah tonight.. Looks like i have to do two things tonight.. Memorizing 22 surah & fixing my programming project.. I WON’T ONLINE FOR TONIGHT...... *maybe just for a short period ~~ to post this on my blog*....

07.46p.m – Tiqa call me.... She asked me about her programming project... It didn’t work.....

08.15p.m - done fixing the project.. Now i have all the time for memorizing 22 surah.. The test is tomorrow night.. I have less than 24 hours left..

08.17p.m – Tiqa call me... *again*... she asked me about her programming project..... *again*... hehehehehe.... this time the previous problem solved... But there’s a new problem....

09.13p.m - tonight i have a discussion for programming project.. At 11.00p.m tonight..

09.16p.m – Arian call.... Too busy to answer... *but I won’t answer anybody call anyway.. hehehhee.. Except my family*...

09.20p.m – Someone call me... I don’t know whose number it is... *few second later* Arian called again..... Why at the moment that i’m busy, everyone call me...

09.21p.m – Arian call again.... *Operator... please answer*...

09.22p.m – Someone call me again... Right now it’s a house number.... WHY!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m busy..... Can’t you people give me a rest........... Is there anyone else out there that want to call me??????

09.46p.mResting for awhile...

09.56p.m – No one want to call me at this time.... Ermmm... But i won’t pick up their call anyway :-p

10.11p.m – Someone call me... This time it’s a weird number..... Only 4 number in that phone number..... Ermmm..... For sure i’m not gonna answered it.... Why i’m SO POPULAR tonight...... Can anyone answer this question?????

10.18p.m – Listening to “razve ti ne znaesh”......

10.24p.m – Ok... i can’t stand it anymore...... I WANT TO ONLINE..... hehehehehe.... OK... here the plan... I’ll go to the cafeteria to have dinner... Online while eating.... Post this on my blog.... Than go to my friend room to do the report for our programming project... *it’s due tomorrow*.... Tomorrow we have to present it to our lecturer.. We have to explain to our lecturer how it’s work.... When i said “we’... I hope it is “we” not “i”....... Don’t want it to be “I have to explain it to our lecturer”......

10.32p.m – Off to the cafeteria to have dinner.....

10.35p.m – I’m in the cafeteria...

10.40p.m – Just finish ordering my food..... Lots of student right now... I think i’m gonna be late to the discussing tonight...

10.45p.m – Trying to connect to the net..... Already text my friends saying that i’m gonna be late...

10.50p.m – Arian call again... And as always.... didn’t pick up... hahahahaha.....

10.52p.m – Finally... I manage to connect to the internet.... My food aren’t ready yet....

AROUND 11.15p.m - maybe i'm at my friend room...

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