Tuesday, October 27, 2009

(2009/10/27)~~~My Day


06.18a.m - done know what to do.. My class start at 10a.m..

08.21a.m - listening to some movie..

08.40a.m - cut some song to make it a ringtone and message alert..

09.35a.m - aaarr.. Just woke up.. I accidently fall asleep.. Time to go and take a bath..

09.47a.m - on my way to go to class..

10.03a.m - yeah.. I'm in my class.. My lecturer isn't here yet.. So, i'm not late..

10.10a.m - our lecturer just came in..

10.12a.m - our lecturer just inform us that the final didn't conclude the last chapter.. Only chapter after the mid-term till the 2nd last chapter..

10.19a.m - arr.. I got PAPERCUT...

10.32a.m - our lecturer say that we won't be having class anymore.. Since we already finish the syllabus..

10.40a.m - our lecturer trying to connect to the internet.. He want to show us our carry mark *online*..

10.48a.m - done checking our carry mark.. Hahaha..

10.49a.m - class end.. Don't know what to go..

10.56a.m - stop by at the atm machine.. Wow.. What a long line.. Well, at least this could kill some time..

11.02a.m - done cashing out money.. On my way to babush to buy something to eat..

11.07a.m - done.. On my way to my 4slamic worldview class.. My class is at 11.30a.m..

11.10a.m - i'm in front of the class.. There're still another group using the class.. So i have to wait outside and ONLINE

11.32a.m - i'm in my class

11.38a.m - our lecturer is here..

01.02p.m - class finish.. Time to go to the mosque..

01.21p.m - on my way back to my room..

01.32p.m - stop by at the tv room to watch tv & online..

02.00p.m - making my own theme *hand phone*

02.35p.m - can't stand it anymore.. It's freezing cold in here.. My finger started to become numb..

02.41p.m - i'm at my room..

02.45p.m - watching pokemon..

03.09p.m - it's raining..

03.32p.m - my roommates just came in..

03.40p.m - time to rest.. Listening to some music..

05.13p.m - fall asleep & my roommate woke me up because he want to copy some movies..

06.16p.m - listening to some music..

07.23p.m - on my way to take a bath..

07.39p.m - i just find out that we are going to have a tutorial class *calculus* tonight.. Arr..

07.42p.m - on my way to go to class..

08.01p.m - i'm in my class..

08.18p.m - someone call me twice.. Ermm.. That person started call me again after i approved that person on facebook.. When will that person figure out that i won't pick up phone call from someone i didn't know..

08.23p.m - exchange blog address with one of my classmate..

09.09p.m - hahahahaha.. The funniest thing happen.. Some of the student ask to leave the class early because they have quiz tomorrow.. So our tutor say "ok.. Who have quiz tomorrow, can leave the class early".. And everyone start packing their stuff.. I pity the tutor.. But since only few student that didn't pack up their stuff *including me*.. So our lecturer say that's it for today.. Class over..

09.26p.m - stop by at the cafeteria to have something to eat..

09.28p.m - bump up with my friends at the cafeteria.. Start talking..

09.4.1p.m - the burger is done.. *4 burger*.. Time to go to the musolla to online..

09.43p.m - i'm on the musolla.. Trying to connect to the internet..

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