Tuesday, October 6, 2009

(2009/10/06)~~~My Day


07.54a.m - Went to take a bath.. I thought I was late *I thought my class is at 08.00a.m*.. I just remember that my class is at 08.30a.m..

08.10a.m - Getting ready to go to class..

08.13a.m - On my way to go to class..

08.30a.m - We in the class.. The lecture started..

09.48a.m - The class is over..

09.50a.m - On my way to my next class..

09.54a.m - I'm at my static class.. Most of the student in the class are doing some revision.. Do we have a quiz today?

10.02a.m - Our lecturer is here.. Looks like we done have a quiz.. We gonna learn about "frames & machines"..

11.15a.m - Class is finish.. On my way to my lecturer room to take my midterm paper..

11.17a.m - Wow.. I'm not the only one here.. There're still lots of student who didn't take their paper yet..

11.24a.m - I got my paper.. We have to submit it back this Thursday.. Now I'm on my way to my next class.. The last class for today..

11.32a.m - I'm at my Islamic worldview class.. Our lecturer isn't come yet.. I'll go to the toilet..

11.35a.m - My lecturer is here.. On my way in.. One student is on her way in, and she ask whether our lecturer is here or not.. I answered "Not Yet".. Well, he isn't when I left the class.. Now, he is here..

11.39a.m - Our lecturer will give our midterm paper *for Islamic worldview* at the end of class..

11.58a.m - Our lecturer went out.. He want to meet someone.. He said that he suppose to meet that person before the class.. But that person just call.. So we wait at the class.. Consider it as a break..

12.02p.m - Our lecturer is back.. Breaks over.. Time to continue the class..

12.41p.m - Our lecturer suggest that whoever come late, he/she will have to pick up the rubbish.. They have to clean the classroom.. And most of the student agree.. So, we gonna start doing it..

12.50p.m - Our lecturer discussing the answer for our midterm..

01.03p.m - I have a bad feeling..

01.04p.m - Our lecturer started distributing our paper..

01.07p.m - Yeah.. I pass..

01.12p.m - Our lecturer done distributing the paper.. Now he distributing the article review.. *group work*..

01.35p.m - We got a high mark for the article review..

01.16p.m - Signing the attendance..

01.21p.m - Just finish signing the attendance.. Now I'm on my way back to my room..

01.32p.m - I reached my room.. I'm so tired..

01.48p.m - i don't have any more class for today.. So I’m gonna spent my afternoon at the musolla.. *on9*..

01.57p.m - Done praying.. Now it's time to on9

03.12p.m - Chatting with Arian.. He force me to use webcam.. Nope, i'm not gonna do web conference.. Got nothing to do.. None of my other friend are on9..

03.40p.m - Giving another classmate of mine the coding for the assignment.. *programming assignment*

03.53p.m - On my way back to my room..

03.56p.m - My friend call me to his room.. Don't know what he want.. Well if he want the coding for the programming assignment.. He have to follow the procedure.. I will not gave my coding just like that.. 1 question 1 meal.. He have to exchange it for food.. If he don't want to, I’m not gonna give him the coding.. This goes the same with the other.. But I’m not that mean.. I'll guide them for free.. I will teach them how to do the assignment for free.. But i just gonna give..

04.10p.m - Yup.. As what i though.. He want to copy my coding.. When i said that he need to exchange it for food.. He change his mind and ask me to teach how to do the coding.. So i teach him the coding for the first question.. Then he give up and agree to buy me 3 meal.. *since he copy 3 question*.. I have finish the 4th question yet..

05.15p.m - Trying to figure out how to do the coding for the last question..

05.27p.m - All of a sudden i got an idea how to do this coding..

06.03p.m - Went down to go to the grocery store..

06.30p.m - Finally I finish my programming assignment.. I'll "distribute it later on tonight..

07.43p.m - I forgot that I have a group discussion tonight at 08.00p.m.. Good thing my teammate remind me..

08.01p.m - On my way to one of my teammate room, we gonna discuss our project there.. We change the time to 08.15p.m.. Actually I already have the coding for our project.. But i didn't told them yet..

08.04p.m - Looking for block C.. Where is block C.. My teammate room is in that building.. I stay at block A.. Ermm.. I saw block B, D, E & F.. But no C..

08.07p.m - I see it.. There it is *pointing at the building*.. I actually walk pass by the building..

08.09p.m - I’m in the building.. He at room C4.2.. That mean block C 4th floor room no2..

08.11p.m - I’m in front of his room.. Should I go in or not, Wrmm, nope.. I'll wait for Wafi.. To tell you the truth.. I don't know who he is.. *the one at room c4.3*.. I know all of my classmate faces.. But i don't know their name.. So, i probably know Imran.. *that the one who stay at c4.2*.. But i don't know that he is Imran..

08.17p.m - Wafi didn't show up yet..

08.20p.m - Imran said that he going to go to pray first.. So I went to the musolla..

08.40p.m - on my way to Imran house..

08.43p.m - Wafi is here.. We on our way to Imran room..

08.46p.m - we in Imran room.. But he not here..

08.55p.m - Imran is here..

10.08p.m - I’m still at Imran room..

10.19p.m - Finally.. We done discussing.. And we gonna use the coding that I got.. But I have a bad feeling about this.. I mean using someone else coding.. But if we gonna start doing it.. I don't think that we can finish on time.. But let put that to the side and focus on the main issue.. I'M HUNGRY.. I want to eat.. Heading to the cafeteria..

10.29p.m - Time for dinner..

10.42p.m - Finish eating..

10.43p.m - My dad call me..

10.49p.m - I’m at the musolla.. Just finish talking with my father..

10.54p.m - on of my roommate call me asking about one of the question in our assignment..

11.15p.mOne of my classmate came to the musolla... The same old thing that everyone want from me... My coding......

11.41p.mTeaching my friend how to do the last question of our assignment... *using yahoo messenger*

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